When purchasing an apartment, the location will be very significant. The location will affect the price of the property, whether it is a good investment, the demand for the property and so on.
As you might expect, a property in a large well-developed city will generally be more expensive than one in a small town. Since the availability of land happens to be finite, an apartment in the heart of a modern flourishing metropolis should cost more than one in a place where there is less demand for land. Of course, a central location comes with added conveniences and easy access to the city.
The neighbourhood
Although everyone’s idea of a ‘good’ neighbourhood may be different, there will be some definite factors when identifying such a neighbourhood. These would include the locality’s appearance, accessibility and available amenities. When identifying properties in good neighbourhoods in Sri Lanka, consider the apartments for sale in Rajagiriya such as those offered by Prime Residencies.
The developments
In addition to considering the amenities presently available in a location, you should also give some attention to the future developments planned at that locale. For instance, if new hospitals, schools and public transportation or other urban infrastructure are being planned at a certain location, you can expect property values to also increase in due course.
The lot location

Apartment | iamge via Pixabay
It will also be prudent to pay attention to the location of the lot where the apartment is located. For instance, in a less central location, the price of the apartment could be less, but the investment will also have less value and you may have to settle for a lower price if you decide to resell the apartment sometime in the future.